Imagine reaching a point where your business goals and who you want to be actually fit into your life.

Say bye-bye to overwhelm, tap into your inner badass, and build a business AND a life that feels f*cking fantastic.


To live the life you want, you need to balance getting things done with taking care of yourself. But you often find yourself doing too much, struggling to find time, and pushing your business goals down the list… 

Most of the time, you feel overwhelmed and spread thin, juggling multiple roles. But instead of freaking out or, worse yet, quitting, you put on a smile because…

It's time you finally
put yourself first.

you're done waiting.


But inside, you feel tired and alone.
And at the end of the day, you still have to go home and do the f*cking dishes.

No matter how hard you work, you feel like one part of your life is always failing.

Never mind a female entrepreneur where the line between your business life and personal life is blurred. 

There are so many distractions out there fighting for your time and attention, it’s no wonder you don’t know what steps to take or strategies to follow to move toward YOUR goals.

The reality is it's HARD being a business owner.

but learning on the fly isn't sexy

And it's not like you haven't tried...

Other coaching programs
Personal development books
#1 rated podcasts
Going down the Google rabbit hole
Maybe even therapy

It doesn't matter what you've done or the knowledge you've gained.  None of that means shit if you don't understand what is blocking you from taking steps forward.

and that's why i want you to know...

Whatever it is you’re struggling with matters. I want you to feel seen, be heard, and find connection. 

Your path FORWARD is finding the work-life balance WITHOUT the guilt, turning setbacks into stepping stones, and living a life that’s overflowing with joy (and maybe a few alpacas… more on that in a minute.)

Something you CAN’T find inside a group coaching program where you’re one of many. 

I believe with my WHOLE BEING that your success in business and life hinges on what’s uniquely inside of you. 

NOT on a blanket approach that’s worked for someone else.

In 2007, I started scratching my entrepreneurial itch with a cozy five-room boutique hotel. Those early days of business ownership eventually led to an idea and a handful of tulips to start Mad Lizzie’s Flower Farm. Then, I fell in love with a century-old building and opened a wine bar and event venue.

Before I knew it I had bought a coffee shop, another commercial building, and opened an ice cream and candy store. In the last four years, my husband and I have established nine enterprises alone (phew!)

So trust me when I say I've seen some shit, and I’ve learned firsthand that being a female business owner (and too much wine) can burn you tf out.  

I’ve also realized that the rules for female founders are different. You need MORE than practical tools to improve your bookkeeping systems, marketing efforts, and day-to-day operations.

You NEED personalized support to design a business that’s holistically you!

So pop your collars and roll up your sleeves.

inside the pages of
 a new chapter

here's what's

Chapter One: Finding Alignment

You’ll kick things off by taking a look back on what’s shaped you. You’ll reflect on past experiences, build self-awareness, and understand the role your values play in your business. Next, you’ll dig into your core values to help you figure out what truly matters. Then, set realistic goals focusing on key areas like money, wellness, relationships, and spirituality.

Course breakdown:

walk away with crystal clear goals to start designing a life that is fully and completely you

Lesson 1: The Now and Not Yet

Lesson 1: The Now and Not Yet

Set the stage and lay the ground rules for six months of business + lifestyle coaching.

Lesson 2: An Inside Look

Lesson 2: An Inside Look

Look inward to learn what matters most and how your core values shape your decisions and lead to action.

Lesson 3: Create Value-Aligned Goals

Lesson 3: Create Value-Aligned Goals

Explore the four pillars of a fulfilled life (money, wellness, relationships, and spirituality) and start manifesting a life in alignment with what you value most.

Chapter Two:
Reframing Thoughts

Learn to overcome limiting beliefs, build healthy (to you) habits, and boost your productivity. First, identify and challenge your beliefs by reframing negative thoughts and speaking to yourself with kindness. Next start implementing new routines that support your values and your goals. Then stay on track by using easy productivity hacks that work for you and your business.

Walk away with an abundant mindset that aligns your routines and time with your core values.

Lesson 4: Abundant Thoughts >>> Inspired Action

Lesson 4: Abundant Thoughts >>> Inspired Action

Bust through negative self-talk and thought patterns limiting your potential. Learn how to be your own champion to grow your confidence and feelings of worthiness.

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Lesson 5: Build Healthy (To You) Habits

Lesson 5: Build Healthy Habits

Design routines rooted in what you value most. Habits that align with your values are deeply motivating and will help you crumple up and toss your to-do list aside once and for all.

Lesson 6: Manage Time Your Way

Lesson 6: Manage Time Your Way

Understand what time management strategies work for you. Learn to uplevel these practices to create a personalized daily and weekly schedule that accomplishes more than ever before.

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Chapter Three: 
Skill Building

Focus on building your support system, getting your finances in check, and planning for the future. You'll map out your support networks and learn to nurture those relationships. Next, uncover your money habits and create a financial plan that fits your goals. Finally, reflect on how far you’ve come, celebrate your wins, set long-term goals, and make a plan to keep growing.

Lesson 7: Mindfulness Done Your Way

Lesson 7: Mindfulness Done Your Way

From woo-woo to getting shit done, find a practice that aligns with your values and helps you create a space where you can silence ALL the critics (mostly the ones inside your head).

Lesson 8: Building Resiliency

Lesson 8: Building Resiliency

Learn which superpowers are anxiously waiting to be leveraged to get you closer than ever to your goals, no matter what roadblocks are in your way.

Lesson 9: Active Communication

Lesson 9: Active Communication

From active listening to learning how to advocate for yourself in a non-bitchy constructive way you’ll find strategies to help you resolve those conflicts you used to ignore.

Chapter Four:
Living Abundantly

Focus on building your support system, getting your finances in check, and planning for the future. You'll map out your support networks and learn to nurture those relationships. Next, uncover your money habits and create a financial plan that fits your goals. Finally, reflect on how far you’ve come, celebrate your wins, set long-term goals, and make a plan to keep growing.

Lesson 10: Nurture Key Relationships

Lesson 10: Nurture Key Relationships

Find new ways to nurture key personal and professional relationships that support you and your goals.

Lesson 11: Money Mindset

Lesson 11: Money Mindset

Learn which superpowers are anxiously waiting to be leveraged to get you closer than ever to your goals, no matter what roadblocks are in your way.

Lesson 12: Moving Forward

Lesson 12: Moving Forward

Recap the incredible journey you’ve been on and design your path forward knowing you have the strength, confidence, and resolve to do whatever tf you want.






not only will you receive all the essential training and tools...

Here's what makes this program the #1 choice for your growing business

Intimate Group Coaching Sessions: Inside A New Chapter, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other female founders on a similar path. Share ideas, ask questions, and offer support in a room of motivated, like-minded women.

140+ Page Workbook: Worksheets, questionnaires, and other thought-provoking materials to help you dig deep and uncover what matters most and live the life you want.

Weekly Reading Materials and Resources: I have an exclusive library full of courses, guides, books, and tools to help you level up.

Exclusive Access to Katy: When I say I’m here for you, I mean it. When you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed (or both), shoot me a video on Marco Polo and I’ll respond to you within 24 hours. 

One-On-One VIP Coaching: This program is centered around a one-on-one coaching model. During our biwesessions, you’ll set personalized goals and get targeted assistance in specific areas of your business and life.

“I wanted someone with entrepreneurial experience to help uplevel both my business and personal life, as they’re very intertwined.  “I’ve never run a business before, and I reached a point where I needed help to keep growing.”


"I had taken multiple business courses in the past, but I wanted one-on-one coaching. Many coaches offer group mentoring, but I needed someone who could truly understand my business and personalize their advice."

next review

"Katy has helped me prioritize my goals and focus on what’s most important.”

white dove design


business + lifestyle
coaching sessions


coaching sessions


exclusive coaching support throughout

value $2998

value $880

value $298


weekly reading materials, pdfs and resources


mini-course: money mindset

value $198

value $298



value $38

NOW: $2998

Total Value: $4710

price: $3998

You're in good company inside A NEW CHAPTER if...

You’re a passionate entrepreneur stuck in the messy middle.

You’re not a newbie, but you’re not where you want to be and you aren’t sure what next steps to take.

You find yourself constantly working IN your business instead of ON it. 

You’re overwhelmed and stretched thin, juggling your roles as the CEO of your business AND your household, always battling for time.

You’ve tried everything --

-- reading books, listening to podcasts, and soaking up all the information you can. But when it’s time to take action, you get stuck in analysis paralysis.

You’re tired of coaching programs that don’t quite fit.

The ones that make you work harder to adapt their strategies to your business, instead of creating strategies that align with your business and your values.

You're a high-achiever who leads with your heart

You’re ready to put in the time, answer the tough questions, and do the work to find peace and gain the confidence to pursue those BIG, audacious goals.

If this lights a spark, then this program was made for you!

"I need a coach who knows what they're doing, has been successful in their own businesses, and is very strategic about how they do things.

I have lots of ideas and I’m pretty good at doing what needs to be done to keep my business running. But I need help figuring out the strategic steps to make my business grow. Katy really helps you break things down into manageable steps." 

larissa anderson, haven design


My word of integrity:

You’re here because you’ve come this far in your business. Maybe you’ve dug into other coaching programs or taken a course, but now it’s time to get one-on-one business + lifestyle coaching completely customized to your business, your goals, and your needs.

And I know I can do that for you.

When you claim your spot inside *A New Chapter* my promise to you is to provide you with every level of support, detail, knowledge, and strategy to deliver the best results possible for you AND your business.

While there is no money-back guarantee, my brand is built on openness, authenticity, and relatability. Never a half-a$$ effort. I’m all in. Are you?

I’m all about carving out space—a brave space—where real connection happens. A place where your relationships with yourself and others become the cornerstone of living a life full of passion and purpose.

This realization stopped me dead in my tracks when my father-in law died unexpectedly. The grief I felt was my breaking point. But in truth, my unraveling began long before this. On top of the mountains of responsibilities and too much wine, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

In my world of caring for alpacas, raising two kids, and running multiple businesses, I’ve learned that the rules are different for female business owners. We’re the CEOs of our businesses and our households— taking kids to appointments, attending Zoom meetings, and folding the laundry.

When you align your life with who you are and make decisions based on your values, the positive energy that flows is
This isn’t your run-of-the-mill business coaching or mentorship program. It’s about diving deep, uncovering what makes you tick, and pouring that passion into every aspect of your life. 

Our businesses are personal extensions of who we are.

No matter what industry you’re in, we all face common struggles:
money, time, relationships, and balance.

I'm here to offer you a judgement-free zone

  • Pull your fears out from under the bed
  • Ask the tough and honest questions
  • Unravel the lies you’ve been told
  • Start celebrating the modern woman you are

So you can find your path to living authentically, both inside and outside of your business. 

It’s about grabbing hold of what truly matters and living a life rooted in your core values. 

You may be wondering...

I’m struggling with the cost. Do you offer a payment program?

I’m struggling with the cost. Do you offer a payment program?

Absolutely! I understand that investing in yourself can be a big decision. That’s why I offer flexible payment plans to make coaching accessible. You can choose your own payment plan up to twelve months right inside the registration!

I want to do this, but I’m already stretched SO thin… How much time will this take?

I want to do this, but I’m already stretched SO thin… How much time will this take?

I hear you…
I have four alpacas, three goats, three dogs, and two (not so) small humans, and also run a number of businesses. I can relate when you say you don’t want to waste your time on something that doesn’t move the needle in your business.

That’s why I offer flexible coaching timelines that fit YOUR schedule. Maybe coaching every other week is too much and you can only meet once a month. Great, let’s make that happen! 

Email me and together, we’ll create a schedule that fits your busy life.

I’ve already tried business coaching. How do I know this will help me?

I’ve already tried business coaching. How do I know this will help me?

What you’re really asking is… Is this going to be worth it? 

I’ve spent thousands of dollars and have wasted countless hours taking courses and participating in memberships only to have most of them fall flat. I’ve gotten generic tools and strategies that kinda worked for me, but didn’t really.

That’s why I’m offering one-on-one personalized coaching for the same cost as many other GROUP coaching programs out there. You no longer have to worry about getting lost in the crowd, wondering if the coach knows your name, or getting advice that doesn’t apply to you or your business.

I’m in a completely different industry than you. Can you still help me?

I’m in a completely different industry than you. Can you still help me?

From real estate to a flower farm, a boutique hotel to a coffee shop, and now coaching, I’ve explored many business ventures. And I’ve learned that when you peel back the layers of what’s preventing you from moving forward in your business, you’ll find some common themes. And more often than not, they have nothing to do with your business.

Now I can’t give you industry-specific advice on copywriting, selling greeting cards online, or commercial photography. But these are ONLY a few of the industries my coaching clients hail from, and guess what… 

They ALL talked about the same stuff: the fear of failure, lack of motivation, need for clarity, and the critic inside their head. Things that most definitely affect their business, but come from a much deeper place. 

Here’s where our work begins. Once you remove these barriers and start living with passion and purpose, the other stuff gets easier.

I have BIG business goals, how will lifestyle design make a difference?

I have BIG business goals, how will lifestyle design make a difference?

All too often, we have barriers we’re not even aware of taking up SO much time and energy.

As female founders, we’re not ONLY running a business, but we’re also running households. And no matter what industry you’re in (real estate, interior design, cookie decorating), there is an undeniable connection between having a healthy personal life and having a healthy business life.

Underneath it all, there is fear, loneliness, confusion, and fatigue. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m not saying that some days won’t still suck (cause they will). But by doing the hard work and looking inside yourself, I can help you arm yourself with the tools and strategies you need to get the life you want.

“I want to make sure that the direction forward is leading me to a place that makes me feel happy, content, and as balanced as possible.”

“I think the biggest challenge for me and other small business owners is having the bravery to grow, even though it's scary and there’s more pressure. I want to make sure that the direction forward is leading me to a place that makes me feel happy, content, and as balanced as possible." 

Holly lovell, lovell real estate group


"Katy is someone who hears you and asks the right questions to get to the core of your fears and motivators, pulling out things you didn't even know you wanted or needed." 

She can connect with women at every business level, coming from a place of understanding and empathy. Yet, she has such a good business acumen that she can really help see things through for people.”

Business Coaching Programs

Group coaching that uses a
one-to-many format where the business coach may or may not know your name or the type of business you have.

Business coaching that ONLY talks about implementing tools and strategies without taking into account real-life hurdles like how to work from home with your kids running around.

Business Coaching + Lifestyle Design

A New Chapter


Here's how A NEW CHAPTER stacks up against other business coaching programs out there...

Rigid coaching timelines that move at one pace, not caring whether or not you can keep up.

One-on-one coaching sessions with Katy that are completely personalized to your business and your life. (And for a similar price as other popular group coaching programs).

Business + Lifestyle coaching not only talks about your business goals and how to reach them, but dives deep to uncover & bust through the barriers preventing you from moving forward and making lasting progress.

Yes, this is an every-other-week,
12-session coaching course to help you stay accountable. But I also realize you have a life outside your business and this course. And because sh*t happens, I offer flexible timelines so you can design a schedule that works for you

You’re here because you’re filled with passion and purpose, and you lead with your heart in everything you do.

And because you’re a high-achieving self-starter, you’ve likely spent thousands of dollars on courses, read all the books, and listened to all the podcasts. But this pattern of striving is going to burn you out.

Instead, why not take a step back and look inside yourself to build the strength and resiliency you need to do the hard sh*t and stay the course, while also living a fulfilling life. 

And because this is a high-touch holistic program, with extreme dedication to every member, I’m only taking on 10 members and won’t offer this program again until next year.

It's time to step off the entrepreneurial roller coaster...

F*ck it, I'm in!


I know a decision like this can be daunting, and I understand the fears and doubts you might have. 

before you head out

This isn’t just about hitting your business goals and fitting the mold—it’s about finding balance with a life that aligns with your deepest values. It’s about waking up with purpose and going to bed feeling content despite any hardships you might be facing. It’s about actually living your life, thriving in your business,
and (maybe?) loving Mondays!

I’m here for you every step of the way. I am committed to your growth and success. If you’re ready to take that next step, I’m ready to support you and cheer you on.